How to Backup Your WooCommerce Store? Here’s a Complete Guide

John Mathew
4 min readMay 14, 2021


‘How to backup WooCommerce store’ — this query might have probably landed you here! Do not worry. You’re in the right place.

The backing up process used to frighten eCommerce store owners and WooCommerce development services providers as it involved complicated, manual processes involving databases and FTP directories. But it is no longer so. Owing to modern plugins, backing up of a WooCommerce store has become amazingly swift and smooth. There are no longer any worries about your valued time getting lost on a cluster of complex and manual processes.

If you are collaborating with a smart and experienced WooCommerce Development Company like GetMySites, they will definitely make smart backups and restore your store when the need comes.

In this blog, I am exploring some easy ways to create and manage WooCommerce store backups without any glitches. Now, it’s time to dive straight into the topic: ‘How to backup WooCommerce store’.

How to backup WooCommerce Store? (A hassle-free approach!)

Keeping your websites backed up is a crucial mission. You just can’t ignore it as emergencies are unexpected. You also need to stick to all security measures to have a peaceful online business.

If you are still not convinced about the need to back up your ecommerce store, here are some reasons:

1. To ensure general security of your site

2. Major and regular WooCommerce updates keep coming with more security features. Incompatibilities between extensions, plugins, and custom code issues may arise as you update your site. Therefore, having a backup is the best plan in case you want to go back to your last version.

3. To save your site from catastrophes. Downtime phases of your website can cause a loss of huge money due to loss of orders and payments and most importantly. Moreover, it causes customers’ confidence in your business. Other disasters like a hacked site are other crucial instances that necessitate backing of your WooCommerce site.

Does thinking about these instances bother you? Do not worry. Approach an expert WooCommerce development services company to back up your website with utmost efficiency.

A guide to how to backup WooCommerce store

The back-up methods generally used for WordPress sites are implemented for backing up WooCommerce sites too. (WooCommerce is an open-source eCommerce plugin for WordPress.)

Consult your WooCommerce Development services company regarding the most apt decision regarding this.

1. Manual Backup

Manuel backup is your choice if you don’t prefer a backup plugin or don’t have a hosting provider that takes backups. Manual backup of your WooCommerce files and database is less complicated but riskier and time-consuming.

The steps involved for manual backups are as follows:

Step 1: Download WordPress Files

Before taking the database backup, download the website data on your personal computer or laptop. Connect to your web server using an FTP client like FileZilla (a potent FTP tool for transferring files over the Internet) to download all your WordPress files.

Step 2: Backup WooCommerce Database

Backup the website database by creating a directory of your local computer system. Connect your server and make your way to phpMyAdmin. Select the database you want from the file named wp-config.php. You can see all available tables present in the database on your screen. Now select the tables you want and click the Export button.

2. Backups through Your Web Host

Making WordPress backups with your WordPress hosting service is a fitting option. WordPress hosting providers offer backup plans with additional paid features. But you need to keep in mind that many of them offer daily backup plans which are not suitable; real-time backup providers are not common to find.

You can get real-time backup by using a trick. Contact your host provider for an on-demand backup plan. Download the latest backup. Start back up again for new data and get it downloaded. Follow the manual method for exporting the database and backing it up. Transfer your database to any local folder by using MySQL manager. These backups through your web hosts are not totally dependable.

Plugins with real-time features for backup are one of the most required things right now. As explained before, and after discussing both techniques, you can evaluate that none of them works perfectly for backup.

3. WordPress Plugin Backups

Automatic backup plugins with real-time features serve as the most reliable and convenient way to backup your WooCommerce site. VaultPress (Jetpack Backup), UpdraftPlus, BackupBuddy. BlogVault, etc. are just a few to name. These are some excellent plugins that streamline, simplify, and manage the backup process. Look for a backup option that helps you to store and backup data for both databases of the website and WooCommerce site.

Final Words

Take a frequent backup of your WooCommerce store. No matter how secure your web hosting server is, you should always have a backup with you.

Having a frequent backup of a WooCommerce store should be your top priority. No matter how secure your web hosting server is, frequently take backup of your site.

Take care to collaborate with a web development company that has wide experience and expertise in WooCommerce ecommerce development solutions. GetMySites is a great provider of ecommerce website development services whom you can rely on to solve your ‘how to backup WooCommerce store’ worries.



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